zhmc_user – Create HMC users


  • Gather facts about a user on an HMC of a Z system.

  • Create, delete, or update a user on an HMC.


  • Access to the WS API of the HMC of the targeted Z system (see HMC API).

  • The targeted Z system can be in any operational mode (classic, DPM)



The hostname or IP address of the HMC.

required: True
type: str

The authentication credentials for the HMC.

required: True
type: dict

The userid (username) for authenticating with the HMC.

required: True
type: str

The password for authenticating with the HMC.

required: True
type: str

Path name of certificate file or certificate directory to be used for verifying the HMC certificate. If null (default), the path name in the ‘REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE’ environment variable or the path name in the ‘CURL_CA_BUNDLE’ environment variable is used, or if neither of these variables is set, the certificates in the Mozilla CA Certificate List provided by the ‘certifi’ Python package are used for verifying the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: str

If True (default), verify the HMC certificate as specified in the ca_certs parameter. If False, ignore what is specified in the ca_certs parameter and do not verify the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

The userid of the target user (i.e. the ‘name’ property of the User object).

required: True
type: str

The desired state for the HMC user. All states are fully idempotent within the limits of the properties that can be changed:

  • absent: Ensures that the user does not exist.

  • present: Ensures that the user exists and has the specified properties.

  • facts: Returns the user properties.

required: True
type: str
choices: absent, present, facts

Dictionary with desired properties for the user. Used for state=present; ignored for state=absent|facts. Dictionary key is the property name with underscores instead of hyphens, and dictionary value is the property value in YAML syntax. Integer properties may also be provided as decimal strings.

The possible input properties in this dictionary are the properties defined as writeable in the data model for User resources (where the property names contain underscores instead of hyphens), with the following exceptions:

  • name: Cannot be specified because the name has already been specified in the name module parameter.

  • type: Cannot be changed once the user exists.

  • user-pattern-uri: Cannot be set directly, but indirectly via the artificial property user-pattern-name.

  • password-rule-uri: Cannot be set directly, but indirectly via the artificial property password-rule-name.

  • ldap-server-definition-uri: Cannot be set directly, but indirectly via the artificial property ldap-server-definition-name.

  • default-group-uri: Cannot be set directly, but indirectly via the artificial property default-group-name.

Properties omitted in this dictionary will remain unchanged when the user already exists, and will get the default value defined in the data model for users in the HMC API when the user is being created.

required: False
type: dict

Boolean that controls whether the returned user contains additional artificial properties that expand certain URI or name properties to the full set of resource properties (see description of return values of this module).

required: False
type: bool

File path of a log file to which the logic flow of this module as well as interactions with the HMC are logged. If null, logging will be propagated to the Python root logger.

required: False
type: str


# Note: The following examples assume that some variables named 'my_*' are set.

- name: Gather facts about a user
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    name: "{{ my_user_name }}"
    state: facts
    expand: true
  register: user1

- name: Ensure the user does not exist
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    name: "{{ my_user_name }}"
    state: absent

- name: Ensure the user exists
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    name: "{{ my_user_name }}"
    state: present
    expand: true
      description: "Example user 1"
      type: standard
  register: user1

Return Values


Indicates if any change has been made by the module. For state=facts, always will be false.

returned: always
type: bool

An error message that describes the failure.

returned: failure
type: str

For state=absent, an empty dictionary.

For state=present|facts, a dictionary with the resource properties of the target user, plus additional artificial properties as described in the following list items.

returned: success
type: dict
    "allow-management-interfaces": true,
    "allow-remote-access": true,
    "authentication-type": "local",
    "class": "user",
    "default-group-uri": null,
    "description": "",
    "disable-delay": 1,
    "disabled": false,
    "disruptive-pw-required": true,
    "disruptive-text-required": false,
    "email-address": null,
    "force-password-change": false,
    "force-shared-secret-key-change": null,
    "idle-timeout": 0,
    "inactivity-timeout": 0,
    "is-locked": false,
    "ldap-server-definition-uri": null,
    "max-failed-logins": 3,
    "max-web-services-api-sessions": 1000,
    "min-pw-change-time": 0,
    "multi-factor-authentication-required": false,
    "object-id": "91773b88-0c99-11eb-b4d3-00106f237ab1",
    "object-uri": "/api/users/91773b88-0c99-11eb-b4d3-00106f237ab1",
    "parent": "/api/console",
    "password-expires": 87,
    "password-rule": {
        "case-sensitive": true,
        "character-rules": [
                "alphabetic": "required",
                "custom-character-sets": [],
                "max-characters": 30,
                "min-characters": 15,
                "numeric": "required",
                "special": "required"
        "class": "password-rule",
        "consecutive-characters": 1,
        "description": "ZaaS password rule definition",
        "element-id": "518ac1d8-bf98-11e9-b9dd-00106f237ab1",
        "element-uri": "/api/console/password-rules/518ac1d8-bf98-11e9-b9dd-00106f237ab1",
        "expiration": 90,
        "history-count": 10,
        "max-length": 30,
        "min-length": 15,
        "name": "ZaaS",
        "parent": "/api/console",
        "replication-overwrite-possible": true,
        "similarity-count": 0,
        "type": "user-defined"
    "password-rule-name": "ZaaS",
    "password-rule-uri": "/api/console/password-rules/518ac1d8-bf98-11e9-b9dd-00106f237ab1",
    "replication-overwrite-possible": true,
    "session-timeout": 0,
    "type": "standard",
    "user-role-names": [
    "user-role-objects": [
            "associated-system-defined-user-role-uri": null,
            "class": "user-role",
            "description": "Tasks used by system programmers to configure and manage the system",
            "is-inheritance-enabled": false,
            "is-locked": false,
            "name": "hmc-system-programmer-tasks",
            "object-id": "19e90e27-1cae-422c-91ba-f76ac7fb8b82",
            "object-uri": "/api/user-roles/19e90e27-1cae-422c-91ba-f76ac7fb8b82",
            "parent": "/api/console",
            "permissions": [
                    "permitted-object": "/api/console/tasks/900e4676-fd59-4e4d-8bf2-03ef73c3a3df",
                    "permitted-object-type": "object"
            "replication-overwrite-possible": true,
            "type": "system-defined"
    "user-roles": [
    "userid-on-ldap-server": null,
    "verify-timeout": 15,
    "web-services-api-session-idle-timeout": 360

User name

type: str

Additional properties of the user, as described in the data model of the ‘User’ object in the HMC API book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.


Only for users with type=pattern: Name of the user pattern referenced by property user-pattern-uri.

type: str

Only for users with type=pattern and if expand=true: User pattern referenced by property user-pattern-uri.

type: dict

Properties of the user pattern, as described in the data model of the ‘User Pattern’ object in the HMC API book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.


Only for users with authentication-type=local: Name of the password rule referenced by property password-rule-uri.

type: str

Only for users with authentication-type=local and if expand=true: Password rule referenced by property password-rule-uri.

type: dict

Properties of the password rule, as described in the data model of the ‘Password Rule’ object in the HMC API book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.


Only for users with authentication-type=ldap: Name of the LDAP server definition referenced by property ldap-server-definition-uri.

type: str

Only for users with authentication-type=ldap and if expand=true: LDAP server definition referenced by property ldap-server-definition-uri.

type: dict

Properties of the LDAP server definition, as described in the data model of the ‘LDAP Server Definition’ object in the HMC API book. The property names have hyphens (-) as described in that book.