zhmc_lpar_list – List LPARs


  • List permitted LPARs on a CPC (Z system) or on all managed CPCs.

  • CPCs in DPM mode are ignored (i.e. do not lead to a failure).

  • LPARs for which the user has no object access permission are ignored (i.e. do not lead to a failure).


  • Access to the WS API of the HMC (see HMC API).

  • The HMC version must be 2.14.0 or higher.



The hostname or IP address of the HMC.

required: True
type: str

The authentication credentials for the HMC.

required: True
type: dict

The userid (username) for authenticating with the HMC.

required: True
type: str

The password for authenticating with the HMC.

required: True
type: str

Path name of certificate file or certificate directory to be used for verifying the HMC certificate. If null (default), the path name in the ‘REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE’ environment variable or the path name in the ‘CURL_CA_BUNDLE’ environment variable is used, or if neither of these variables is set, the certificates in the Mozilla CA Certificate List provided by the ‘certifi’ Python package are used for verifying the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: str

If True (default), verify the HMC certificate as specified in the ca_certs parameter. If False, ignore what is specified in the ca_certs parameter and do not verify the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Name of the CPC for which the LPARs are to be listed.

Default: All managed CPCs.

required: False
type: str

File path of a log file to which the logic flow of this module as well as interactions with the HMC are logged. If null, logging will be propagated to the Python root logger.

required: False
type: str


# Note: The following examples assume that some variables named 'my_*' are set.

- name: List the permitted LPARs on all managed CPCs
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
  register: lpar_list

- name: List the permitted LPARs on a CPC
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    cpc_name: CPCA
  register: lpar_list

Return Values


Indicates if any change has been made by the module. This will always be false.

returned: always
type: bool

An error message that describes the failure.

returned: failure
type: str

The list of permitted LPARs, with a subset of their properties.

returned: success
type: list
elements: dict
        "activation_mode": "linux",
        "cpc_name": "CPC1",
        "has_unacceptable_status": false,
        "name": "LPAR1",
        "se_version": "2.15.0",
        "status": "active"

LPAR name

type: str

Name of the parent CPC of the LPAR

type: str

SE version of the parent CPC of the LPAR (since HMC/SE 2.14.1, otherwise None)

type: str

The current status of the LPAR. For details, see the description of the ‘status’ property in the data model of the ‘Logical Partition’ resource (see HMC API).

type: str

Indicates whether the current status of the LPAR is unacceptable, based on its ‘acceptable-status’ property.

type: bool

The activation mode of the LPAR. For details, see the description of the ‘activation-mode’ property in the data model of the ‘Logical Partition’ resource (see HMC API).

type: str