zhmc_cpc_capacity – Manage temporary processor capacity


  • Gather facts about the processor capacity of a CPC (Z system).

  • Update the processor capacity of a CPC (Z system) via adding or removing temporary capacity (On/Off CoD).

  • For details on processor capacity on demand, see the Capacity on Demand User’s Guide.


  • The HMC userid must have these task permissions: ‘Perform Model Conversion’.

  • The HMC userid must have object-access permissions to these objects: Target CPCs.

  • The CPC must be enabled for On-Off Capacity-On-Demand.



The hostnames or IP addresses of a single HMC or of a list of redundant HMCs. A single HMC can be specified as a string type or as an HMC list with one item. An HMC list can be specified as a list type or as a string type containing a Python list representation.

The first available HMC of a list of redundant HMCs is used for the entire execution of the module.

required: True
type: raw

The authentication credentials for the HMC.

required: True
type: dict

The userid (username) for authenticating with the HMC. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.session_id.

required: False
type: str

The password for authenticating with the HMC. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.session_id.

required: False
type: str

HMC session ID to be used. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.userid and hmc_auth.password and can be created as described in the zhmc_session module.

required: False
type: str

Path name of certificate file or certificate directory to be used for verifying the HMC certificate. If null (default), the path name in the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable or the path name in the CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable is used, or if neither of these variables is set, the certificates in the Mozilla CA Certificate List provided by the ‘certifi’ Python package are used for verifying the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: str

If True (default), verify the HMC certificate as specified in the hmc_auth.ca_certs parameter. If False, ignore what is specified in the hmc_auth.ca_certs parameter and do not verify the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

The name of the target CPC.

required: True
type: str

The desired state for the operation:

* set: Ensures that the CPC has the specified specialty processor capacity and the specified software model, and returns the resulting processor capacity of the CPC.

* facts: Does not change anything on the CPC and returns the current processor capacity of the CPC.

required: True
type: str
choices: set, facts

The ID of the capacity record to be used for any updates of the processor capacity.

Required for state=set.

required: False
type: str

The target software model to be active. This value must be one of the software models defined within the specified capacity record. The software model implies the number of general purpose processors that will be active.

If null or not provided, the software model and the number of general purpose processors of the CPC will remain unchanged.

required: False
type: str

Indicates the direction of the capacity change for general purpose processors in software_model, relative to the current software model:

* increase: The specified software model defines more general purpose processors than the current software model.

* decrease: The specified software model defines less general purpose processors than the current software model.

Ignored when software_model is null, not provided, or specifies the current software model. Otherwise required.

required: False
type: str
choices: increase, decrease

The target number of specialty processors to be active. Processor types not provided will not be changed. Target numbers of general purpose processors can be set via the software_model parameter.

Each item in the dictionary identifies the target number of processors of one type of specialty processor. The key identifies the type of specialty processor (icf, ifl, iip, sap), and the value is the target number of processors of that type. Note that the target number is the number of permanently activated processors plus the number of temporarily activated processors.

The target number for each processor type may be larger, equal or lower than the current number, but it must not be lower than the number of permanent processors of that type.

If the target number of processors is not installed in the CPC, the force parameter controls what happens.

If null, empty or not provided, the specialty processor capacity will remain unchanged.

required: False
type: dict

Indicates that test resources instead of real resources from the capacity record should be activated. Test resources are automatically deactivated after 24h. This is mainly used for Capacity Backup Upgrade (CBU) test activations. For details, see the Capacity on Demand User’s Guide.

required: False
type: bool

Indicates that an increase of capacity should be performed even if the necessary processors are not currently installed in the CPC.

required: False
type: bool

File path of a log file to which the logic flow of this module as well as interactions with the HMC are logged. If null, logging will be propagated to the Python root logger.

required: False
type: str


# Note: The following examples assume that some variables named 'my_*' are set.

- name: Gather facts about the CPC processor capacity
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    name: "{{ my_cpc_name }}"
    state: facts
  register: cap1

- name: Ensure the CPC has a certain general purpose processor capacity active
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    name: "{{ my_cpc_name }}"
    state: set
    record_id: R1234
    software_model: "710"
  register: cap1

- name: Ensure the CPC has a certain IFL processor capacity active
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
    name: "{{ my_cpc_name }}"
    state: set
    record_id: R1234
      ifl: 20
  register: cap1

Return Values


Indicates if any change has been made by the module. For state=facts, always will be false.

returned: always
type: bool

An error message that describes the failure.

returned: failure
type: str

A dictionary with capacity related properties of the CPC.

returned: success
type: dict

CPC name

type: str

Boolean indicating whether API applications are allowed to make changes to temporary capacity.

type: bool

Boolean indicating whether the On/Off Capacity on Demand feature is enabled for the CPC.

type: bool

Boolean indicating whether an On/Off Capacity on Demand record is installed on the CPC.

type: bool

Boolean indicating whether an On/Off Capacity on Demand record is installed and active on the CPC.

type: bool

Timestamp when the On/Off Capacity on Demand record was activated on the CPC.

type: int

The software model based on the originally purchased processors. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: str

The software model based on the permanently present processors (including any permanent capacity changes since the original purchase).

type: str

The software model based on the permanently present processors plus billable temporary processors.

type: str

The software model based on the permanently present processors plus all temporary processors.

type: str

The MSU value associated with the software model based on the originally purchased processors. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The MSU value associated with the software model based on the permanently present processors (including any permanent capacity changes since the original purchase).

type: int

The MSU value associated with the software model based on the permanently present processors plus billable temporary processors.

type: int

The MSU value associated with the software model based on the permanently present processors plus all temporary processors.

type: int

The count of active general purpose processors.

type: int

The count of active Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) processors.

type: int

The count of active Internal Coupling Facility (ICF) processors.

type: int

The count of active IBM z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) processors.

type: int

The count of active service assist processors.

type: int

The count of spare processors, across all processor types.

type: int

The count of defective processors, across all processor types.

type: int

The number of general purpose processors that will become active, when more processors are made available by adding new hardware or by deactivating capacity records.

type: int

The number of Integrated Facility for Linux processors that will become active, when more processors are made available by adding new hardware or by deactivating capacity records.

type: int

The number of Integrated Coupling Facility processors that will become active, when more processors are made available by adding new hardware or by deactivating capacity records.

type: int

The number of z Integrated Information Processors that will become active, when more processors are made available by adding new hardware or by deactivating capacity records.

type: int

The number of service assist processors that will become active, when more processors are made available by adding new hardware or by deactivating capacity records.

type: int

The number of Integrated Facility for Linux processors that are permanent. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of Integrated Coupling Facility processors that are permanent. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of z Integrated Information Processors that are permanent. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of service assist processors that are permanent. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of Integrated Facility for Linux processors that are unassigned. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of Integrated Coupling Facility processors that are unassigned. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of z Integrated Information Processors that are unassigned. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int

The number of service assist processors that are unassigned. Omitted for SE version below 2.16.0.

type: int