zhmc_user_pattern_list – List HMC user patterns


  • List User Patterns on the HMC.


  • The HMC userid must have object-access permission to the User Pattern objects included in the result, or task permission to the ‘Manage User Patterns’ task.



The hostnames or IP addresses of a single HMC or of a list of redundant HMCs. A single HMC can be specified as a string type or as an HMC list with one item. An HMC list can be specified as a list type or as a string type containing a Python list representation.

The first available HMC of a list of redundant HMCs is used for the entire execution of the module.

required: True
type: raw

The authentication credentials for the HMC.

required: True
type: dict

The userid (username) for authenticating with the HMC. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.session_id.

required: False
type: str

The password for authenticating with the HMC. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.session_id.

required: False
type: str

HMC session ID to be used. This is mutually exclusive with providing hmc_auth.userid and hmc_auth.password and can be created as described in the zhmc_session module.

required: False
type: str

Path name of certificate file or certificate directory to be used for verifying the HMC certificate. If null (default), the path name in the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable or the path name in the CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable is used, or if neither of these variables is set, the certificates in the Mozilla CA Certificate List provided by the ‘certifi’ Python package are used for verifying the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: str

If True (default), verify the HMC certificate as specified in the hmc_auth.ca_certs parameter. If False, ignore what is specified in the hmc_auth.ca_certs parameter and do not verify the HMC certificate.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

If True, all properties of each user pattern will be returned. Default: False.

Note: Setting this to True causes a loop of ‘Get User Pattern Properties’ operations to be executed.

required: False
type: bool

File path of a log file to which the logic flow of this module as well as interactions with the HMC are logged. If null, logging will be propagated to the Python root logger.

required: False
type: str


# Note: The following examples assume that some variables named 'my_*' are set.

- name: List User Patterns
    hmc_host: "{{ my_hmc_host }}"
    hmc_auth: "{{ my_hmc_auth }}"
  register: upattern_list

Return Values


Indicates if any change has been made by the module. This will always be false.

returned: always
type: bool

An error message that describes the failure.

returned: failure
type: str

The list of User Patterns, with a subset or all of their properties, dependent on full_properties.

returned: success
type: list
elements: dict
        "element_uri": "/api/console/user-patterns/cbcaf7a0-46cc-11e9-bfd3-f44a39cd42f9",
        "name": "Bluepages email address",
        "type": "glob-like"
        "element_uri": "/api/console/user-patterns/fb22d4a2-4e40-11e9-a8a8-00106f23f636",
        "name": "regexp pattern 1",
        "type": "regular-expression"

User pattern name

type: str

Element URI of the User Pattern object

type: str

The style in which the user pattern is expressed, as one of the following values:

glob-like - Glob-like pattern as used in file names, supporting the special characters * and ?.

regular-expression - Regular expression pattern using Java regular expressions.

type: str

Additional properties requested via full_properties, as described in the data model of the ‘User Pattern’ object in the HMC API book. The property names will have underscores instead of hyphens.

type: raw